Friday, 20 December 2019

January to April 2020 New IELTS Speaking Cue Cards

                   NEW IELTS SPEAKING CUE CARDS                   (JANUARY - APRIL 2020)

1.   A time when you didn’t share a truth with your best friends.
What was it about.
Why you didn’t reveal it
How he/she felt about it
And explain what his/her reactions to this

2.   Describe a gift you gave that took a long time to choose.
What it was
How you choose it
Why it takes time or you spent a long time choosing it
How the receiver reacts

3.   Describe a (recent) time when you looked at the sky (either day or night)
What you were doing
When you looked at the sky
Who you were with
What you saw
And explain how you felt when you looked at the sky

4.   Talk about a female leader you would like to meet.
Who is she
What does she do
Why would you like to meet her

5.   Describe a crowded place that you have visited
Which place is it
When did you visit it
Why did you visit it

6.   Describe a time when you moved  to a new house or school
When it was
Where you moved to
Who you moved with
And explain how you felt about it.

7.   Describe a company which employs many employees in your hometown.
What type of company it is.
How many people work there
What type of qualification they require
And explain whether you would be interested to work there or not.

8.   Describe an appointment that was put ahead of schedule.
What this appointment was
When it happened
Why it was brought forward
And explain how you felt about the appointment being rescheduled

9.   Describe a bicycle tour that you took.
When you had this trip
Who went on this trip with you
What you did during this trip
And explain how far you enjoyed it.

10.                     Describe a kind of foreign food you have had
When you had it
Where you ate it
What it was

11.                     Describe a popular teacher that you know.
What this teacher looks like.
What sort of person this teacher is
What this teacher helped you to learn
And explain why this teacher is popular
12.                     Describe a journey that you remember well.
Where you went
How you travelled
Why you went on the journey
And explain why you remember this journey well

13.                     Describe a happy day you would like to have
Why would it be a happy day
What are you going to do on that day
With whom will you spend it
How you will fell about it

14.                     Describe your favorite sports.
What it is
How often you play/watch it
How to play it
And explain why it is your favorite sport

15.                     Describe a night when you could not sleep at all
When it happened
Where you were then
why you could not sleep that night
How you felt about it

16.                     Describe a toy you had in your childhood
What the toys was
Who gave it to you
How did you play with it
Why did you like the toy

17.                     Describe a water sport you want to do
What was the success
When  it happened
How did he/she accomplished it
Why you thought it was a success

18.                     Describe a school that you went to when you were a child
Where the school was
When you went there
What the school and the teachers were like and
Explain whether enjoyed your time there

19.                      Describe a place where you read and write apart from your home
What is it
Where is it
Why do you go there to read and write

20.                     Describe a person who likes to travel by plan
Who this person is
How you know this person
Where this person travel to and explain why this
Person likes to travel by plan

21.                     A leisure activity you have done with your family.
Who was there
When and where did you do it
What was it about
And explain how you enjoy it

22.                     Talk about an advice you gave someone
What was it
Whom you advised
How you did it
And explain how you felt about it

23.                     Describe a prize you want to win
What prize it is
What you will need to do to win it
How easy or difficult it would be
And explain why you want to win that prizes

24.                     Describe a time when you enjoyed your visited to a park or garden
Where it was
What it looked like
What you did there
And explain why you liked it there.

25.                     Describe an advice you received on your subjects or work
Who advised you
What advice did he give
Are you happy with the advices

26.                     Describe an interesting conversation you had with someone you did not know
Who the person was
Where the conversation took place
What you talked about
And explain why you found the conversation interesting

27.                     Describe a person who has interesting opinions
Who this person is
How do you know this person
What interesting idea he/she gave
Explain why it was important

28.                     Describe a person you know who is good at his or her job
Who the person is
How you know this person
What job they do
What impact he has other people

29.                     Talk about a celebration organized after an achievement or describe a situation when you celebrated your achievement
What was the achievement
When it happened
How did you celebrate
How you felt about it

30.                     Describe your dream workplace
What it would look like
What facilities it would have
Where it would be
And say if you think you will ever work in a place like that or not

31.                     Describe a film you watched at home or in a cinema
What film it was
What it was about
Why you chose to watch that film who you
Watched it with
And explain if you learned anything important from the film.

32.                     Describe a time you were sleepy but had to stay awake
When did it happen
Why you werw sleepy
Why you had to stay awake
And how you stayed awake

33.                     Describe a subject taught in your school
What the subject was and who taught it
How the teacher taught it
What you learned from the class
And explain how this subject helped you ……….