Monday, 28 January 2019



                          IELTS 8 BAND ESSAY FROM                            LATEST IELTS TEST 2019 

A tendency that the news reported in the media focuses on problems and emergencies rather than the positive developments is harmful to both the individual and the society. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Today, we belong to a highly competitive era and in a bid to be at the top, the various sources of media are focusing on sensational news, which fetch more viewers and readers. Some individuals opine that this attitude is harmful for the people and the society. However, I disagree with this, as I believe that as long as the negative news reports are unbiased, the general public will not be harmed and there will be no detrimental effects on individuals and society.
My first argument is that it is the duty of the media to keep the people abreast of what is happening all around. If negative things are happening, people should know all that because then they can be prepared if anything is likely to affect them. Secondly, if the media reports such news, then more and more people can volunteer to help. For example, two years ago when Tsunami hit Japan, the news was spread like wildfire through all sources of media and people from all over the world sent relief in whatever way they could.
Undoubtedly, it is the onus of the media to report positive developments also. The media is a link between the government and the people. Very few people get to meet any politician in real life. But we can reach our voice to the authorities through the media. Then, the media also helps to get justice at times. In the Nirbhay rape case in December, 2012, it was through the efforts of the media that the culprits got a speedy punishment and Nirbhay’s family got justice. How can all these reportings be considered bad for the individuals and the society?
Proponents of the given statement say that such news makes people immune to negative things happening in society and so too much of such news should not be reported. They also believe that when media reports details of crime, then many people learn crime, which is definitely bad for the people and societies. I still believe that the media should apprise people with whatever they need to know, whether it is good or bad.
To sum up, it is imperative that media reports both positive and negative news without any bias and exaggeration. It is people’s responsibility to take all the news with a pinch of salt and analyze it with their critical thinking skills. Therefore, reporting more news on problems and emergencies is definitely not bad for the societies and individuals.

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