Monday, 28 January 2019


       IELTS 8 BAND ESSAY FROM LATEST                       IELTS TESTS 2019

Scientists say that junk food is harmful to people's health.Some say the way to ask people to eat less fast food is to educate them, while others say education does not work. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion

It is irrefutable that junk food is harmful to people’s health. It contains a lot of fats and salts which are detrimental to health. Therefore, some people say that people should be educated and made aware of its harmful effects. However, others opine that education does not help in making people eat less junk food. In the following paragraphs I intend to discuss both issues and finally give my opinion.
Some opine that educating people about the harmful effects of junk food can help in reducing its use. The fact is that people don’t actually know what goes in the making of fast food. Fast foods are high in calories and low in nutrition. These foods are rich in harmful substances such as fat, salt, and sugar. Preservatives are also added in junk food. All these things can cause heart diseases, cancer, diabetes, and obesity. Obesity is one of the major problems in the world today. It is very important to reduce eating Junk foods for the healthy life. So, if people are warned about their bad effects, they would eat less of it. This can be done with the help of media such as TV, which is ubiquitous nowadays.
On the other hand some believe that educating people won’t help because junk food is very cheap, tasty and readily available. After a hectic days work no one is in a mood to spend time in the kitchen and so junk food is very convenient. It is also not very expensive and children love it. What is more, fast food outlets spend a lot to lure people with their ads. What people don’t realize is that the celebs they use in these ads hardly ever eat such food themselves and if they do, then they also spend hours working out in the gym every day.
After considering the convenience of fast foods, I believe that educating people would not help. It
would be better if these fast food outlets were educated about making fast food healthier. Strict rules should be laid down against using trans-fatty acids and saturated fats. Whole wheat breads could be used instead of white breads. Use of preservatives should be lessened and juices should be served along with such foods instead of carbonated drinks.
To summarise, fast food is harmful but still people eat it. Therefore, educating people would not help. Measures should be taken to improve the fast food. After all, all fast food is not bad.



                          IELTS 8 BAND ESSAY FROM                            LATEST IELTS TEST 2019 

A tendency that the news reported in the media focuses on problems and emergencies rather than the positive developments is harmful to both the individual and the society. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Today, we belong to a highly competitive era and in a bid to be at the top, the various sources of media are focusing on sensational news, which fetch more viewers and readers. Some individuals opine that this attitude is harmful for the people and the society. However, I disagree with this, as I believe that as long as the negative news reports are unbiased, the general public will not be harmed and there will be no detrimental effects on individuals and society.
My first argument is that it is the duty of the media to keep the people abreast of what is happening all around. If negative things are happening, people should know all that because then they can be prepared if anything is likely to affect them. Secondly, if the media reports such news, then more and more people can volunteer to help. For example, two years ago when Tsunami hit Japan, the news was spread like wildfire through all sources of media and people from all over the world sent relief in whatever way they could.
Undoubtedly, it is the onus of the media to report positive developments also. The media is a link between the government and the people. Very few people get to meet any politician in real life. But we can reach our voice to the authorities through the media. Then, the media also helps to get justice at times. In the Nirbhay rape case in December, 2012, it was through the efforts of the media that the culprits got a speedy punishment and Nirbhay’s family got justice. How can all these reportings be considered bad for the individuals and the society?
Proponents of the given statement say that such news makes people immune to negative things happening in society and so too much of such news should not be reported. They also believe that when media reports details of crime, then many people learn crime, which is definitely bad for the people and societies. I still believe that the media should apprise people with whatever they need to know, whether it is good or bad.
To sum up, it is imperative that media reports both positive and negative news without any bias and exaggeration. It is people’s responsibility to take all the news with a pinch of salt and analyze it with their critical thinking skills. Therefore, reporting more news on problems and emergencies is definitely not bad for the societies and individuals.




                           candidates, who will appear for 2nd feb ielts test  need to ready for MODERATE LISTENING. There are great chances of average listening on 2nd feb. Candidates need to focus on their listening and also need to concentrate on words.


                           There are great chances of MODERATE READING also for this time. but it does not you need to worry about this because this all happening and may be chances of one passage from all three may be little bit hard but otherwise reading will be east but you only need to concentrate.


                             we all know this there are two types writing tasks in ielts 

first is task 1 :- my prediction for task 1 are table chart \map\process .

task 2 :-  my prediction for task 2 are topics related to education, teachnology and environment. 


Sunday, 27 January 2019

Ielts reading tips 2019

ielts reading tips 2019

 IELTS tips for the Reading Test.

Read the instructions carefully.  In particular, I suggest that you underline (or circle) the instructions regarding the number of words you are required to use in your answer.  Questions with a word limit do not always ask for the same number of words.

Do this all through the test as the instructions usually change throughout the exam.

Before you start, quickly glance at all 3 sections of the test.  We all know that the Reading Test increases in difficulty as you progress.  Although section 1 is known to be the easiest section, you may notice that the section 3 text is about a topic you know really well and you might decide to start with section 3.  I have found that a lot of my students really don’t like the ‘true, false, not given’ task type  and therefore decide to leave the section containing that task type until last.  In any case, it’s always a good idea to seize control of the test and give yourself the option of doing the section you ‘like the look of’ first.

A common lament I hear from students is about running out of time in the Reading Test.  Time management is crucial in the IELTS Reading Test.  You must complete 3 sections in one hour.  As a result, I strongly suggest you spend no more than 20 minutes on each section.

When you are ready to start, don’t read every word of the passage.  Read through quickly (about 5 minutes) and write the topic (main idea) of each paragraph in the margin, you should also underline the key words used for this topic.  Doing this will help keep you focussed when you’re answering the questions.

Following on from the last point, the General Training Reading Test and the Academic Reading Test are quite different.  In the General Training Reading Test, you might have shorter texts to read but there are often more of them.  This impacts on your time management and you need to ensure that you spend about 5 minutes of actual reading time for each section of the test.

Another point about time management is the question of transferring answers to the answer sheet.  As soon as you are satisfied with your answers to each group of questions, transfer them directly to the answer sheet (don’t forget you are NOT given time at the end to do this).

When reading the questions, underline or circle the key words and look for words and phrases in the passage that have a similar meaning.  Think carefully about the type of answer the question requires (e.g.  is it a number, a place, an animal).  Equally important is to think about the grammar of the answer; will it be a noun, an adjectival phrase etc.  This is particularly important in gap-fills where the answer needs to be factually correct and to fit grammatically.

I have found that for certain task types (that my students always complain about!) e.g. matching paragraph headings, yes/no/not given (true/false/not given), summarising, it often helps to read the questions and underline (or circle) key words before you read the text.   This will keep you focussed when you read the text.  As  you are reading  the passage, you can put a tick next to a paragraph or sentence that seems to relate to the questions.

For multiple choice and matching paragraph heading question task types, sometimes you immediately identify an answer as wrong.  If this is the case, put a line through it; there are two reasons for this 1) it is very satisfying (!) and 2) it makes you spend your time focussing on the other options.

It often happens in the matching paragraph heading question task type that you can’t decide between 2 possible answers.  I usually suggest that my students write both answers on their question sheet.  As you progress through the questions, it often becomes clear which is the correct answer.  At the end of the set of questions, if you are satisfied with your answers, but still have two possible answers for one question, then take an educated guess.  Do NOT write two answers on your answer sheet where only one is required.  You will not score a point for your answer if you write both.

In gap-fills and sentence completion task types, you are often required to copy a word or short phrase from the passage.  Make sure you copy the spelling correctly.  This sounds obvious but I am astounded by the number of students who make this mistake either through nerves or carelessness.

Saturday, 26 January 2019

50 ways to improve your vocabulary for ielts 2019

                          50 ways to improve your vocabulary 


*1. Read, read, read—and listen!*
Reading literary works, newspapers and novels will expose you to words you would not encounter in everyday conversations. In a similar way, listening to news, and even audio books can greatly improve your vocabulary.

*2. Track your vocabulary learning progress with your phone, or book*
Keeping track of the vocabulary you have learned is an excellent way of ensuring that you are making progress. This will also keep you motivated to keep learning new words.

*3. Have a word of the day*
There are calendars, apps, and even websites that will give you a new vocabulary word every day to keep your vocabulary list growing over time.

*4. Have a vocabulary list on the wall (at home or office)*
Keeping a list of vocabulary around you wherever you are will ensure that you remember new words.

*5. Play games!*
Word games can be fun, and at the same time quite educational. So, play puzzles, word jumbles, Scrabble, and anagrams to learn new words in a fun way.

*6. Have a dictionary and thesaurus around you*
When you can find out the meaning of new words with ease with a dictionary or thesaurus, you can learn to use the new words you hear or see.

*7. Practice!*
Once you have heard or read a new vocabulary word, do not stop at knowing what it means; try using it in a sentence, preferably in a conversation.

*8. Start a blog*
Starting a blog has never been easier, and having a reason to write something every day by having a blog will inevitably result in growth in your vocabulary over time.

*9. Translate words into your own language*
When you try to translate vocabulary words into your own language, they are committed to your mind much faster. You will learn to use them better as well.

*10. Learn about English (and American) culture*
Taking an interest in the cultures of English-speaking countries, rather than the language alone, can greatly enhance your interest in the language and help you master English vocabulary faster.

*11. Try vocabulary quizzes*
When you test yourself, you will know whether you are making any progress or not. That is why vocabulary quizzes can be so helpful when learning English vocabulary.

*12. Use English news broadcasts and other resources to hear new words in context*
When you listen to people who are good in English using the language, you will master how the vocabulary is used much faster.

*13. Correspond with an English pen friend*
Having an English friend you exchange correspondence with can greatly improve your English skills and vocabulary based on the language he/she uses.

*14. Write down new words*
Whenever you hear or read new vocabulary, write it down. This makes it easier to remember in the future. This is also a great way to improve your English vocabulary.

*15. Use pictures*
Pictures can greatly enhance how fast you learn and memorize new words. So, try to learn vocabulary words and images associated with them.

*16. Learn with other people*
There are other people who are interested in learning new English vocabulary like you. You can join them and learn these words faster, and expose yourself to vocabulary you would not have found on your own.

*17. Don’t be scared*
Big words can be scary, but you should be excited to learn them and make an effort to use them if you are to broaden your English proficiency.

*18. Associate a new word you learn with people and events*
This technique will ensure that you remember the word and how to use it better in related contexts.

*19. Use the new words in other sentences*
When you learn a bunch of new words, try making sentences with them so that they stick. This will also improve your confidence when you are using them in the future.

*20. Learn the roots of words*
Many English words have Latin, Greek, or Germanic origins, and learning how they were created can greatly enhance how well you understand and use them in the future.

*21. Study word formation charts*
Using a word formation chart is a great way to keep the motivation to learn new words going.

*22. Repeat the word at least 7 times to remember it*
Repetition commits things to long-term memory. So to avoid forgetting the new vocabulary you have just learned, make sure that you repeat words at least 7 times for greater memorability.

*23. Create vocabulary themes*
Try coming up with vocabulary around a certain theme. This will increase the memorability of such words considerably.

*24. Know the parts of words*
Understanding the different parts of a word can help you figure out vocabulary words and their meanings more intuitively, which will improve how well you understand and use them in conversations.

*25. Learn new vocabulary through English stories, songs, and films*
This is an interesting way to improve your English vocabulary. By taking an interest in English songs, films, and stories, you can learn a lot of new vocabulary in a fun and engaging way.

*26. Create antonym and synonym word lists*
When you come across a word that you would like to learn more about, make a list of synonyms and antonyms for it. This will lead you to discover new vocabulary and ensure that you learn the new vocabulary better.

*27. Learn prefixes and suffixes*
Prefixes come before words, and suffixes after the words. A lot of words are created by adding these word parts. So learning more about them can go a long way in making the process of learning vocabulary easier.

*28. Use flash cards*
Flash cards can be great at helping you learn new words, as they are fun to use.

*29. Give yourself weekly words to use*
Every week, have a list of new vocabulary words you intend to use. This will conveniently grow your vocabulary over time.

*30. Use dictionary websites*
Dictionary websites are great in that in addition to telling you the meaning of words, you will often find many examples on how the words are used so that you can master their context much better.

*31. Write an explanation of the word in English*
Without knowing its meaning, you cannot use the new word properly. So, ensure that you write down the meaning of each word you learn so that you can actually use it properly when the occasion arises.

*32. When watching English videos, turn on subtitles*
When you watch a video with subtitles, you will focus more on the language being used, which will make you learn the new words and their context better.

*33. Enjoy yourself with the words you learn*
Don’t let learning new words become a chore. Try to make the process fun in your own ways for better results.

*34. Learn the vocabulary you need to study*
Sometimes you need to study a particular subject. You can always begin by learning the vocabulary related to that subject as a way to boost your vocabulary.

*35. Use visual dictionaries*
When language is mixed with graphics, learning is enhanced. Therefore, find visual English language dictionaries to learn words faster.

*36. Make your own vocabulary tests*
Sometimes the best way to know where your vocabulary needs improvement is to create tests for yourself. For instance, you can try to find how extensive your business vocabulary is, and fix any issues that come up.

*37. Find a writing partner*
Having someone you write with can make you more motivated to improve your vocabulary as you see how well or easily the other person uses words that might be a challenge for you.

*38. Learn collocations*
Knowing how words should be used with other words or phrases can greatly enhance your vocabulary. So, use collocations to enhance your vocabulary learning.

*39. Use word clouds*
Word clouds make learning new vocabulary fun by adding an artistic side to it. So, learn to use word clouds to enhance your learning of new words.

*40. Be creative and imaginative when learning vocabulary*
Learning a new word can seem tedious when your focus is simply saying it enough times to remember it.
So, try to be creative and employ imaginative ways of making the process of learning such words faster and exciting

*41. Avoid making random word lists*
Random word lists will not make mastering new vocabulary much easier. That is why it helps to learn vocabulary around one certain subject matter at a time.

*42. Use the vocabulary you learn in your own way*
Everyone uses certain words in a certain way. So, to improve your English vocabulary, you should try to use these words in your own way to master them faster.

*43. Assign different colors to different words*
Try to associate words with colors. This improves your ability to remember them in the future as it makes learning them more engaging.

*44. Learn groups of words*
Sometimes learning a bunch of new words together can make them easier to remember, especially when you can use a couple of them in a single sentence.

*45. Describe the world around you*
You can master the vocabulary and learn more of it by trying to describe the world around you. So, try to do this once in a while, and as your vocabulary grows, you will find your descriptions growing more succinct.

*46. Read more attentively*
When reading, pay closer attention to the words to ensure you learn new vocabulary. So, don’t let the hard words pass you by; instead, take time to learn what they mean.

*47. Listen to English music and follow the lyrics*
Songs can teach you a lot about a language. So, you can always listen to great English music and follow the lyrics to learn a few more words in an exciting way. Videos with the lyrics on the screen are especially helpful.

*48. Create special vocabulary lists*
Trying to form vocabulary lists can show you how far you have come, and how much further you can go in your pursuit of a broader vocabulary.

*49. Apply the new words you have learned in daily conversations*
After learning a new word and what it means, put the new knowledge to use by using the word in regular conversations. This will make you understand its context better.

*50. Set a goal of finding and remembering new words every day*
Every day should be an opportunity to learn new words. So, try to have a list of words you intend to learn every day.

Friday, 25 January 2019

Latest ielts test in Nepal in 2019

Latest ielts test in Nepal in 2019

Speaking questions:

Reading test

Passage 1. About a study on dinosaurs.
Passage 2. About food facilities in a school.
Passage 3. Theories about people working in a group.

Writing test

Writing task 1 (a report) 

We were given a chart describing the percentages of people who had 5 serves of fruit and vegetables per day, in the UK from 2001 to 2008.

Writing task 2 (an essay)

Some people believe that the government should take care of old people and provide financial support after they retire. Others say individuals should save during their working years to fund their own retirement. What is your opinion? Give reasons for your answer and include examples from your own experience.

Speaking test


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you like cooking?
– Do you like to eat home made food or do you prefer to eat out?
– When was the last time you had some home made food?
– Do you drink a lot of water?
– Do you prefer to drink bottled or tap water?

Cue Card

Describe a person you know who is beautiful in your opinion. Please say

– Who the person is
– What he/she looks like
– Why you think he/she is beautiful
– How you feel about him/her


– Do you think beauty is important in our society?
– Is it good that people give so much importance to beauty?
– Can people who aren’t attractive be as successful as beautiful people?
– Are clothes important to a person’s success?
– Are fashion shows really necessary?


Thursday, 24 January 2019

Ielts vocabulary for writing task

🔰IELTS WRITING TASK Academic Vocabulary In Use🔰


👉🏻Going Up
•    Rise(rose)
•    Go up(went up)
•    Increase(increased)
•    Grow(Grew)
•    Shoot up (shot up)
•    Surge(surged)
•    Rocket (rocketed)

👉🏻Going Down
•    Decrease (decreased)
•    Fall (fell)
•    Drop (fell)
•    Decline (declined)
•    Go down (went down)
•    Plunge (plunged)
•    Plummet

👉🏻No Change
•    stay the same
•    remain constant
•    stabilised
•    remain steady
•    were unchanged
•    did not change
•    remain stable

Ielts vocabulary for speaking

Ielts vocabulary for saying sorry 

🔰15 ways to say "sorry" in English🔰

👉🏻I do apologize for...
👉🏻I must apologize for...
👉🏻I apologize for...
👉🏻I'd like to apologize for...
👉🏻I am so sorry for...
👉🏻I shouldn't have...
👉🏻It's all my fault.
👉🏻I'm ashamed of...
👉🏻Please, forgive me for...
👉🏻Excuse me for ...
👉🏻I'm terribly sorry for...
👉🏻Pardon me for this...
👉🏻Please, forgive me for my....
👉🏻Please, accept my apologies

🔰Accepting apology🔰

👉🏻That's all right.
👉🏻Never mind.
👉🏻Don't apologize.
👉🏻It doesn't matter.
👉🏻Don't worry about it.
👉🏻Don't mention it.
👉🏻That's OK.
👉🏻I quite understand.
👉🏻You couldn't help it.
👉🏻Forget about it.
👉🏻Don't worry about it.
👉🏻No harm done.

Latest ielts test in India in January 2019

Latest ielts test in India in January 2019

Y took the IELTS test in India and remembered the following topics and questions:

Writing test

Writing task 1 (a report)

We were given a graph showing the information about male and female prison population in New Zealand between 1911 and 2011.

Writing task 2 (an essay)

In some cultures old people are valued more, while in other cultures youth is considered more valuable. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Speaking test


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Where did your study?
– What was your major subject?
– Did you like studying there? Why?
– Would you recommend any changes to your school?
– Do you like parks or gardens?
– Are there any parks or gardens near your home?
– Do you visit that place often?

Cue Card

Describe something that you have borrowed from your friend or family. Please say

– What is it?
– When did you borrow it?
– Who did you borrow it from?


– Why did you borrow it?
– Do you often borrow things from people?
– What do you usually borrow?
– Why do you do it?
– What problems are associated with borrowing things?
– Do you return borrowed things on time?
– What do you usually give in return?

Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Writing tips for 8 bands

Writing tips for 8 bands 

 IELTS last minute tips for the Writing Test.
•    Make sure you organise your time carefully during the hour-long Writing Test.  Stick to the following suggested timing:
Task 1 – 20 minutes
Task 2 – 40 minutes
Remember that Task 2 is worth two-thirds of the total marks in the Writing Test  so don’t do what some people have done in the past; spend so long on Task 1 that you have insufficient time for Task 2.
•    There is no rule about which task you do first (as long as they are clearly marked Before the exam think about which task you would prefer to do first; I have had many students who have started with Task 2.  Just make sure you mark your answers clearly on your answer sheet.
•    In Task 2, make sure you organise your time well; this means planning, writing and checking and editing.   Read the article The best IELTS essay writing procedure to look at my suggested timing for each stage.
Planning – 5-10 minutes
Writing – 20-30minutes
Checking and editing – 5-10 minutes
•    In Task 2, before you start planning your essay, always circle the key words in the question.  This will ensure that you stay focussed on the topic.  If you look at the Task 2 Band descriptors in the links section on this site, you will see that one of the criteria the Examiner marks your work on is ‘Task Response’.  Part of getting a good score in ‘Task Response’ is giving a relevant answer.
•    In Task 1, make sure you organise your time well; this means planning, writing and checking and editing.   Read the article The best IELTS essay writing procedure to look at my suggested timing for each stage.
Planning – 3-5 minutes
Writing – 10-15 minutes
Checking and editing – 3-5 minutes
•    When answering Academic Writing Task 1, circle the significant data on the graph. Then choose the order you are going to write about this data. Write the numbers 1, 2, 3 etc. on the graph to help you write the information logically in your answer.
•    When answering General Training Writing Task 1, circle the key words in the question to keep your answer focussed. Make sure you include all of the information requested in the bullet points. Finally, as a general rule, each bullet point will be a separate paragraph in your letter.

Listening answers of ielts test on 19th January 2019

Ielts test listening answers of 19th January 2019

Listening answers of ielts test on 19th January 2019

1. September 14th

2. 835

3. School 

4. Deck

5. River 

6. Garage

7. Towels 

8. 200

9. Chinese 

10. July 

11. A (around sport centre parking )

12. B (shoe clip)

13. A (yellow)

14.B (water giving volunteers )

15. F stage 

16. A (shirt place )

17. B (bag collection area)

18. D

19. G (near circle)

20. I ( near Germany road )

21. A (location of farmer )

22. C

23. Agree on 

24. Government irrelevant A

25. B no time to calculate 

26- 30 not remember 
31. Wool 

32. Bird 

33. Desert 

34. Snake 

35. Rainbow 

36. Prison

37. Clothing 

38. Family 

39. Rain 

40. Carpet 

Not sure these all are correct 
Answers send by some of the candidates who appeared for 19th January 2019 ielts test 

Tuesday, 22 January 2019

Latest ielts test in Australia in 2019

Latest ielts test in Australia in 2019

IELTS test in Newcastle, Australia – January 2019 (Academic and General Module)

Writing Academic Task 1 (Report)

There was a chart showing the amount of time men and women spent using computers for work and leisure in some countries between 1990, 2000 and 2010.

Writing General Task 1 (Letter)

You stayed at a hotel recently and forgot your clothes there. Write a letter to the hotel manager and say

– When and where did you stay?
– Describe your clothes.
– What would you like the manager to do about it?

Writing Task 2 (Essay)

Nowadays people waste a lot of food that was bought from shops and restaurants. Why do you think people waste food? What can be done to reduce the amount of food they throw away?

Speaking test


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Do you enjoy your work?
– What can be done to prevent accidents at your workplace?
– Why do you think so?

Cue Card (Set 1)

Describe an interesting city in your country. Please say

– What city and where is it?
– Why and when would you go there?
– Why is it interesting?


– Who would you go there with?
– Do you believe cities are interesting?
– Do you think people are friendlier in the countryside than in the city?
– What makes some countries different from others?
– Should competition be encouraged among people in the same region?
– Do you think people prefer to live in cities or countryside?
– Why do you think so?

Cue Card (Set 2)

Describe a teenager you know well. Please say

– Who is he/she?
– Where and when did you meet?
– What do you usually do together?


– Who is easier to control, young children or teenagers?
– Why is that?
– How do young people treat the elderly in your country?
– How do older people treat teenagers in your country?

Monday, 21 January 2019

Education related Phrases for ielts

Education related Phrases for ielts 

IELTS Resources- Phrasal Verbs for EDUCATION

Be into

Meaning: Be interested in sth in active way
Example: Are you into English?

Take up

Meaning: Start doing a new activity
Example: Chris taken up jogging.

Fall behind

Meaning: Make less progress than other people
Example: My daughter is falling behind with her classmates.

Catch up

Meaning: Improve and reach the same standard as other people
Example: If you miss a lot of classes, it’s very difficult to catch up.

Go over

Meaning: Check something carefully
Example: Go over your work before you hand it in.

Go over

Meaning: Practise and repeat something in order to learn it
Example: He went over the events of the day in his mind.

Read up on

Meaning: Study something by reading a lot about it
Example: I need to read up on my British history.

Hand in/turn in

Meaning: Give your finished work to a teacher
Example: I handed my homework in late as usual.

Hand out

Meaning: Give things to the members of a group
Example: Could you hand these books out, please?

Copy out

Meaning: Write sth again exactly as it was written
Example: We need to copy outsentences from a book.

Drop out

Meaning: Leave school without finishing your studies
Example: She started a degree but dropped out after only a year.

Sunday, 20 January 2019

Latest ielts writing test in Canada 2019

Latest ielts writing test in Canada 2019

Today Writing test in Toronto:
Task 1
Your family will make a party and you will invite one friend. Tell him
- what party is
- why he is important to go
- your plans for the party

Task 2
- the amount of Holliday’s should be the same for all employees?

Latest writing test in USA in 2019

Latest writing test in USA in 2019

General test 

Today usa

Write a letter to friend yo invite your friend as you are organizing party for family.
Explain why you are inviting
Tell him about your plans
Why her presence is important

Task 2
People are doing different types of jobs and having different amount of holiday time
Should all employees have same amount of holiday time,whatever the job they work?
Give relevant reason and examples from your experience

Saturday, 19 January 2019

Ielts writing test in saudia and Tanzania in 2019

Ielts writing test in saudia and Tanzania in January 2019

General training 

Task 1

Write letter to your colleague who work had with you for along time and started a new job and you could not attend his goodbye part.

Task 2

More n more people like this development of buying ready to eat, instead of cooking themselves.
Adv n disadvantages.

Tanzania and saudia  

Ielts test in India on 19 January 2019

Ielts test in India on 19 January 2019

General training

Task 1 

Write letter to your colleague who work had with you for along time and started a new job and you could not attend his goodbye part.

Task 2

More n more people like this development of buying ready to eat, instead of cooking themselves.
Adv n disadvantages.


Friday, 18 January 2019

Latest ielts test in Australia in January 2019

Latest ielts test in Australia in January 2019

One of our candidate took the IELTS test in Australia and remembered the following topics and questions:

Writing test

Writing task 1 (a report)

We were given a chart showing the amount of time men and women spent using computers for work and leisure in some countries between 1990, 2000 and 2010.

Writing task 2 (an essay)

Nowadays people waste a lot of food that was bought from shops and restaurants. Why do you think people waste food? What can be done to reduce the amount of food they throw away?

Speaking test


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Do you enjoy your work?
– What can be done to prevent accidents at your workplace?
– Why do you think so?

Cue Card

Describe an interesting city in your country. Please say

– What city and where is it?
– Why and when would you go there?
– Why is it interesting?


– Who would you go there with?
– Do you believe cities are interesting?
– Do you think people are friendlier in the countryside than in the city?
– What makes some countries different from others?
– Should competition be encouraged among people in the same region?
– Do you think people prefer to live in cities or countryside?
– Why do you think so?

Latest ielts ielts test in India in 17 January 2019

Latest ielts ielts test in India in 17 January 2019



        1    -      10        Blanks      { one word }
      11.   -      15.       MCQ
      16.   -      20.       MAP
      21.   -      30.       Blanks      {three words}
      31.   -       35.       MCQ
      36.   -       40.      Blanks       {one word}

Reading :-

Passage 1:- traditional farming in zambia's province 

              1- 5      Blanks 
              6 -8.     Match the scientists name 
              9-12.    True /false /not given
              13.       Select the suitable title for passage  

Passage 2:-  Egypt's sunsken treasure 

            14- 18 match the information 
            19- 22 true/false/not given 
            23-26 blanks 

Passage 3:-  facial expressions 

            27-32.    Headings
            33-38. Blanks         
           39-40   MCQ

Writing :-

Task 1 :- plan of something in 2010 and in now {map}

Task 2:- In future, proportion of elder people will increase in some countries as compare to youngsters.
Is that positive or negative development.

The invigilator 

For more information subscribe this By your email account and subscribe our YouTube channel "the invigilator "

Ielts speaking cue cards in January 2019 in all countries

Ielts speaking latest cue card in January 2019 


IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topics Jan-Apr 2019
Below are some of the current topics for IELTS Speaking Part 2.

A remote place you wish to visit in the future

A sport on TV you would like to try

A quiet place

A special date in your country’s history

A lecture you have been to

A situation when you found an item

A book you recently read

A good looking person you met

A time you needed to repair a broken item

A recent development in your city

A time you gave money as a gift

A beautiful city

A person who cares about the environment

A project that you need to collect information for (I need confirmation of the exact words)

A place you studies outdoors or indoors (I need confirmation of the exact words)

Your ideal house

A public facility recently opened (park, cinema etc)

A person you would like to meet

A time you had to search for information

A movie or TV show that made you laugh

A subject you didn’t like at school, but are interested in now

Something you taught a younger person

An item you borrowed from a friend or family member

An item you thought you lost but then found

A website you use frequently

A good law in your country

An interesting old person you have met

Something you bought but haven’t used yet

A street market

A teenager you know

Something you made by hand to give to someone
A plant

A dish eaten in your country on a special occasion

A talk or lecture you have heard

All the best
The invigilator 

Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Vacabulary and phrases of ielts writing task 1

Vacabulary and phrases of ielts writing task 1 

Vocabulary to represent frequent changes in graphs:

Type of Change

Verb form

Noun form

 Rapid ups and downs

wave / fluctuate / oscillate / vacillate / palpitate

waves / fluctuations / oscillations / vacillations /  palpitations


1.  The price of the goods fluctuated during the first three months in 2017.

2.  The graph shows the oscillations of the price from 1998 to 2002.

3.  The passenger number in this station oscillates throughout the day and in early morning and evening, it remains busy.

4.  The changes of car production in Japan shows a palpitation for the second quarter of the year. 

5.  The number of students in debate clubs fluctuated in different months of the year and rapid ups and downs could be observed in the last three months of this year.

1. 4. DO NOT try to present every single data presented in a graph. Rather pick 5-7 most significant and important trends/ changes and show their comparisons and contrasts.

2. The question asks you to write a report and summarise the data presented in graphs(s). This is why you need to show the comparisons, contrasts, show the highest and lowest points and most striking features in your answer, not every piece of data presented in the diagram(s).

Types of Changes/ Differences and Vocabulary to present them: 

Great change / Huge difference:

Adjectives                           Adverbs

Overwhelming                   Overwhelmingly
Substantial                         Substantially
Enormous                          Enormously

Big change / Big difference:

Adjectives                           Adverbs

Significant                          Significantly
Considerable                     Considerably

Medium change / Moderate difference:

Adjectives                           Adverbs

Somewhat                           Somewhat
Moderate                             Moderately

Minor change / Small difference:

Adjectives                           Adverbs

Fractional                           Fractionally
Marginal                             Marginally
Slight                                 Slightly

Dates, Months & Years related vocabulary and grammar: 

» From 1990 to 2000, Commencing from 1980, Between 1995 and 2005, After 2012.
» By 1995, In 1998, In February, Over the period, During the period, During 2011.
» In the first half of the year, For the first quarter, The last quarter of the year, During the first decade.
» In the 80s, In the 1980s, During the next 6 months, In the mid-70s, Next 10 years, Previous year, Next year, Between 1980 - 1990.
» Within a time span of ten years, within five years.
» Next month, Next quarter, Next year, Previous month, Previous year.
» Since, Then, From.

Percentage, Portion and Numbers:

10% increase, 25 percent decrease, increased by 15%, dropped by 10 per cent, fall at 50%, reached to 75%, tripled, doubled, one-fourth, three-quarters, half, double fold, treble, 5 times higher, 3 timers lower, declined to about 49%, stood exactly at 43%.

4% = A tiny fraction.
24% = Almost a quarter.
25% Exactly a quarter.
26% = Roughly one quarter.
32% Nearly one-third, nearly a third.
49% = Around a half, just under a half.
50% Exactly a half.
51% = Just over a half.
73% = Nearly three quarters.
77% = Approximately three quarter, more than three-quarter.
79% = Well over three quarters.

2% = A tiny portion, a very small proportion.
4% = An insignificant minority, an insignificant proportion.
16% = A small minority, a small portion.
70% = A large proportion.
72% = A significant majority, A significant proportion.89% = A very large proportion. 
89% = A very large proportion.

Words/ Phrases of Approximation - Vocabulary:

» Approximately
» Nearly
» Roughly
» Almost
» About
» Around
» More or less
» Just over
» Just under
» Just around
» Just about
» Just below
» A little more than
» A little less than.